Friday, April 30, 2021

May Cuttings - Sustainable Gardening Australia

Helping Protect Bees
Sustainable Gardening Australia
Newsletter for May
A highlight of this month is World Bee Day.  World wide, populations of pollinators such as bees are declining.  In Australia this is important, not only for crop fertiisation and honey production, but for our native flowering plants, many of which require Australian native bees to pollinate them.  So we give you news of Bee Day events and of activities that you and your family can enjoy.
We also have suggestions for how you can reduce the use of plastic in your gardening activities, how to save your plants from snails and slugs and reminders of what garden jobs are coming up this month. 
In case you are looking for a landscaper or professional gardener, we include a list of members of SGA's Green Gardening Professionals (GGPs).  Most, so far, are in Melbourne or regional Victoria, with some interstate.
World Bee Day 20th May - Join in Activities
Many organisations, such as the WHEEN Bee Foundation, are organising activities that will help protect these very important insects in making our current diets possible. There are events you can take part in, videos to watch and ideas for projects that you and your family can do.
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Reducing Plastic in the Garden  
As we are increasinly hearing about microplastics in the ocean - even in our food - let's consider ways that we can reduce its use in our gardens.  It is not just about looking for alternative types of pot - there are other actions we can take.
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Who are Green Gardening Professionals?
Many members of SGA's Green Gardening Professionals program (GGPs) are all people whose services you might be interested in at some stage. A listing of such people and information about their businesses is on the SGA website.
Find a Green Gardening Professional
May Garden Tasks
It is remarkable how many plants will still grow in cooler weather.  To brighten up a garden which is winding down for winter, try planting some marigolds or pansies which will grow in many regions across the country.  And you can also try brassica seedlings and herbs.
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Those Slimy Pests are Around Again
Oh, how most of us hate snails and slugs - unless you find it fun to hold snail races!  They can destroy all your emerging seedlings and devastate growing tender lettuces and other greens.  But it is relatively easy, with a bit of care, to reduce their numbers.
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Master Classes Coming Up
A reminder that there are a number of Master Classes which might interest you in the next months.  They are all currently available as webinars so you can tune in from anywhere when you have booked a ticket.  Some will be also be available for some days afterwards.
You will be charged less for tickets if you are part of FOSGA, an SGA supporter or a Green Gardening Professional (GGP) when you enter the appropriate code.
Master Class Webinar - Growing Backyard Fruit Trees
7.00pm - 8.30pm, 6th July
Learn the principles of backyard orchard culture with Angelo Eliades from Deep Green Permaculture.
When fruit trees are not properly maintained, they can become overgrown and hard to manage. Harvesting, netting, pruning and spraying become needlessly difficult, and the glut of fruit produced all at once is usually lost to birds and possums!
Backyard orchard culture is an innovative system in which high-density plantings of fruit trees are maintained at a small size for easier maintenance. Using this technique, it is possible to produce excellent yields without excess and waste, while extending your crops throughout the year.
In this online webinar, Angelo will cover pruning, pest & disease management, feeding and general fruit tree care. He will also explain which productive plants and companion plants can be planted beneath fruit trees.

You will need a ticket for the class and to view the recording which will be available for a limited period of time. Everyone with a ticket will be sent a link whether or not they have attended the live class. And FOSGA, SGA Supporters and GGPs will be charged less for tickets when they enter their code.
Master Class Webinar - Growing Native Food Plants
11.00am - 12.30pm, 17th July
Learn how to grow and use native food plants with Karen Sutherland from Edible Eden Design.
Native plants have been used as a source of food for thousands of years. Yet until recently native edibles have been largely overlooked and under-utilised in our backyards.
This class will explore a range of native edible and useful plants that are suitable for a variety of gardens: from urban backyards to schools to public spaces. Karen will share a range of existing native food gardens and provide advice for using native edibles in your own garden.
If you are unable to attend the live class, a recording will be available to watch for some days following the session.

You will need a ticket for the class to view the recording. Everyone with a ticket will be sent a link whether or not they have attended the live class. And FOSGA, SGA Supporters and GGPs will be charged less when they enter their code.
 Have You Joined FOSGA Yet?
By joining FOSGA, you will be helping SGA keep the website and webinars going and bringing really useful tips to you to make your garden and lives more sustainable. 
And FOSGA, GGPs and supporters of SGA receive a range of benefits, such as reduced charges from a number of garden suppliers and for tickets to our webinar Master Classes.
Sustainable Gardening Australia
© 2020 Sustainable Gardening Australia
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