Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Green Gardening Professionals industry program

Thanks for signing up to receive Monthly Update emails from our Green Gardening Professionals program. Here's a little info on our GGP program.
Our Green Gardening Professionals members (GGPs) are working gardeners, horticulturists, landscapers, food gardeners, educators, trainers and nursery people.
The GGP program offers members the opportunity to:
  • Catch up with people working in the same world as themselves
  • Learn about sustainable gardening from a design and practice perspective
  • Build their general garden design and implementation skills
  • Share information and experiences regarding sustainable gardening practices

We hold monthly Peer Evenings (every 2nd Tuesday of the month in Melbourne) where we get together and listen to an industry speaker discuss topics such as IPM, soil improvement, plant evolution and sustainable choices in landscape materials. Some of these Peer Evening also consist of site tours. Many of our Peer Evenings are live streamed and also added to our members Industry Library.
We offer our members a number of other benefits including a GGP business listing, our members only Industry Library, a dated membership logo and a Facebook members group.
Individual GGP membership is $85 per financial year, and we also offer competitive business package pricing for businesses signing up 5 or more staff, as well as student membership.

To read more about the GGPs please visit the SGA website.
If you would like to discuss a business membership please feel free to contact us at

Kind Regards,
Green Gardening Professionals Program
Sustainable Gardening Australia
ph (03) 8850 3050
6 Manningham Rd West
Facebook Green Gardening Professionals
To unsubscribe from GGP program emails please click here
© 2019 Sustainable Gardening Australia


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