Monday, April 26, 2021

Q&As with Dr. Claude Flueckiger: Opportunity increasing for smaller and mid-size companies to compete with the multinationals in biological sector

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No.2 in April 2021
 Hot Reports
Biologicals: the next agricultural technology revolution

- Biological agricultural products ("biologicals") will eventually replace chemical pesticides and fertilizers in the $240 billion crop protection and fertilizer market.
- Biologicals will revolutionize agriculture by creating a resurgence of residential beneficials and triggering the beneficials themselves to control pests, diseases, and weeds, while also making crops more resistant to abiotic crop stresses.
- All stakeholders will benefit from the widespread adoption of biologicals: consumers will enjoy increased access to sustainably grown food, farmers will have access to better tools and new income streams, and the industry will gain a sustainable pipeline of new biologicals.More>>

Q&As with Dr. Claude Flueckiger: Opportunity increasing for smaller and mid-size companies to compete with the multinationals in biological sector

The article "Biologicals: The Next Agricultural Technology Revolution" concludes biological agricultural products are poised to revolutionize the agriculture industry and eventually replace chemical products in the $240 billion global crop protection and fertilizer market. AgroPages asked the author to comment on several follow up questions from our readers. This interview shows you what he thinks.More>>

Biostimulants and biopesticides regulatory landscape in light of Regulation (EU) No 2019/1009

Unlike Regulation (EC) No 2003/2003, the new Fertilising Products Regulation ("FPR") creates a category for plant biostimulants. As borderline products, plant biostimulants were often classified between fertilisers and plant protection products. FPR brings clarity to the categorisation of plant biostimulant products, removing them from the purview of Regulation (EC) 1107/2009, i.e., the Plant Protection Products Regulation ("PPPR"), and differentiating plant biostimulants from fertilisers.More>>

Asfertglobal strengthens its internationalisation by opening its third subsidiary abroad, in Mexico

Asfertglobal, a Portuguese company that manufactures biofertilizers and biostimulants based on the use of microorganisms and new organic molecules from natural sources, remains committed to meeting the company's growth objectives, focusing on its internationalisation and that of its products.More>>

Joyce Wang, Project Manager at AgroPages
Product showcase
Category: Bioinsecticides
Company: Idai Nature
- TEC FORT bioinsecticide is formulated with self-encapsulating natural pyrethrins which are highly effective against greenflies and white flies.
- TEC FORT, with a 2% concentration, provides better results with the same dosage as other natural pyrethrins at 4% concentration.
- TEC BOM is formulated with an exclusive selection of saponified vegetable oleins used to control shell insects such as whiteflies.
- TEC BOM is a harmless natural product, which does not generate waste or crop resistance and is delicate with plants and the auxiliary fauna.
Category: Seed treatment
Company: Syngenta
- Draco has a unique mode of action that combines Bacillus licheniformis and Bacillus subtilis to offer Canadian farmers protection against yield-robbing root pests such as Rhizoctonia and nematodes.
- The strain combination also provides biostimulant activity which improves water utilization by the roots and enhances plant performance, especially under water-stressed conditions.
- Grower trials in Manitoba and Ontario have shown the biostimulant effect provides a healthier root system from its colonization which leads to a more consistent yield response, even in the absence of any pest pressure.
If you would like to show your products through AgroPages, please contact us.
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