Thursday, May 6, 2021

Growing weed is easier (and cheaper) than you think!

Hi ,

New to growing marijuana?

Here's something you should know: If you can grow tomatoes you can grow weed.

It's true!

If you know how to buy tomato seeds, plant them in your garden and let nature take its course, then you have what it takes to grow your own marijuana.

Sure, you can buy fancy lights, expensive exhaust pipes and an advanced watering system (like the one that flooded my house and woke the kind little old lady up)...

...but none of that is actually necessary.

In fact, growing weed can be as simple as growing tomatoes:

Step 1 - Buy seeds.

Step 2 - Plant seeds in garden .

Step 3 - Let nature take its course.

It's that simple!

If you don't have a backyard or garden, you can use a simple pot plant like the one I have in my office:


Growing weed is easier than you think.

If you can grow tomatoes you can grow weed.

Don't overcomplicate it.

Just buy some good seeds, put them in a pot or in your garden and watch them grow.

If you're new to growing start with an autoflowering seed like our White Widow Autoflower strain.

Autoflowering cannabis strains are great for several reasons:


  • They'll give you ripe bud earlier than any other cannabis strain variety

  • Simply plant them in the garden and watch them grow 

  • Due to their super-fast life cycle (8-9 weeks), they can be planted and harvested several times per season, up until early August in the Northern Hemisphere

  • They also tend to do great in cold climates like Norway and Alaska, whether in the garden or on the balcony of your apartment

The only downside of autoflowering strains is that they have no vegetative stage, so they can't be cloned or regenerated. You have to start each crop with seeds.

But in my opinion the benefits of the quick turnaround outweigh this... especially for beginners.

Anyway, to help out our new growers we're giving away 10 FREE seeds to anyone who buys 10 White Widow Autoflower seeds.

Grab your free seeds at the link below...

>>> White Widow Autoflower (buy 10, get 10 free seeds)

Happy growing!

Robert Bergman

Founder, I Love Growing Marijuana

P.S. If it's a one plant grow, try A PotforPot.

They're great because you only need to add sunshine and water.

Discover the great deals that A Pot for Pot have to offer!

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