Wednesday, May 12, 2021

Revitalize and Beautify Your Ground with Summer Cover Crops | Sustainable Seed Co. Tips

Revitalize and beautify your ground with summer cover crops!   View this email in your browser

Try Summer Cover Crops!

Have you decided to opt-out of gardening this year and don't want your garden plot to go fallow? Or do you have a piece of your plot that you want to revive? Or are you looking to control weeds so that you don't have to remove them when you DO decide to garden? With minimal effort, you can grow summer cover crops this season to address all of these issues. Plus, cover crops can be very pretty, something we should talk more about! Several cover crops grown in the summer can produce flowers rapidly, not only revitalizing empty ground but beautifying it! However, the only drawback is that you must cut down your flowering cover crop before it goes to seed, otherwise, you may have a hard time fully getting rid of it when you decide to plant a garden.

Here are 3 cover crops that we recommend:

Buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum) - A rapid growing broadleaf cover crop that will flower after about a month and a half. Its deep tap roots succeeds in suppressing weeds and cycling nutrients through your soil. The small white flowers that appear attract many beneficial pollinators similar to clover. To avoid buckwheat going to seed, cut down a week after the flowers appear. Seeding rate: 25 to 30 pounds per acre.
Winter Rye (Secale cereale) - Although Rye is known for its overwintering capabilities, it actually makes a great early spring/late summer cover crop, as it germinates well in warm to very warm temperatures. Rye's extensive root systems improve soil structure and suppress weeds like a champion. A quick-growing grain that has a unique beauty when the rye seed heads form. You can allow this one to go to seed. Let it overwinter and then allow it to return in the spring before cutting it down in preparation for next season's garden. Seeding rate: 50 to 75 pounds per acre
Mustard (Brassica juncea, Sinapis alba) - An upright, rapidly growing plant that helps significantly control pests because it contains a higher amount glucosinolate than other brassicas, and this chemical compound wards-off harmful insects, especially when the plant cells are ruptured when the plants are mowed down. If allowed to go to seed, you may have a hard time getting rid of Mustard plants. Mustard roots are also very dense, making them a terrific weed suppressor. Their yellow flowers are certainly things of beauty, but the entire crop should be cut down before those pretty flowers go to seed--or else mustard can become invasive. Seeding rate: 8 to 10 pounds per acre.
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True Leaf Market
175 West 2700 South
Suite 150
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